Thursday, January 2, 2014

World Changer

My brother, Madison recently went to Africa on a mission trip. Soon after he returned he felt the Lord was calling him to move to Africa. In my selfishness I didn't want him to go. And in all honesty, as horrible as it may sound, I didn't understand why he would want to leave the comforts of his life and his home to go into a country full of the unknown. The joy Madison has experienced since living in Africa is indescribable. You can see it on his face and you can hear it in his voice. Madison lives in a little house in the middle of town with no electricity. He sleeps on a tiny cot, his food and resources are limited, and he is without any family with only a few friends. He left for Africa with literally nothing but the clothes on his back, a passion for others, a desire to serve, and pure Faith in the Lord. Madison has given up all worldly desires and the comforts of his home to answer the call of the Lord and to selflessly give of himself to serve those in need. While I do not feel called to Africa, Madison's journey has taught me that I do not have to move to Africa to find my mission field. My mission field is right here. All I have to do is step out of my comfort zone and move "me" out of the way. In the coming year I want to serve more, love deeper, truly seek out the needs of others, and say "yes" to whatever the Lord calls of me, no mater what the cost. Madison went to Africa with a deep desire to serve the Lord and a passion to help change the lives of people he had never even met. I really don't think he even realizes that not only is he changing hearts and lives in Africa, but his life, his testimony, his joy, his passion for is changing the hearts and lives of everyone who knows him. He's a world changer and I could not be more proud to call this man my brother! Thank You Madison for living out a true example of the joy that can be found in following the Lord and obeying His calling! You have encouraged me and inspired me far more than you will ever know. I am so proud of you. Know that while I may be here in the states a piece of my heart will always be in Africa! 
You are so loved!!!! 

"I have but one passion- it is He, and He alone. The world if the field and the field if the world; and henceforth that country shall be my home where I can be most used in winning souls for Christ."

"Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press on toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." 
-Philippians 3:14

If you would like to follow Madison's journey he has started a blog and you can keep up with him here. Life as a Follower of Jesus


  1. I was looking through your favorite bloggers list and came across his blog. I didn't know he was your brother as I thought, "how awesome to see a young man giving his life for Christ in such a way". We don't see young men like that very often. Our family will pray for him as he moves forward in his work for our Savior.

  2. You must be so proud. How wonderful that he is serving Christ. I pray for him and all missionaries.
